Thursday, 9 November 2017


Peoples have a great misconception that Karna was killed unarmed but in reality he was killed armed by hands of Arjuna according to original Mahabharat.
Actually Public always watch the fake serial and believe that Arjuna killed Karna by unfairly And they Show the sympathy towards Karna
Well,as per the most researched sanskrit texts,Karna was not killed in weaponless state.He was fighting Arjun,even discharged Brahmastra and Varunastra,he got killed because he failed to counter Anjalika Weapon of Arjun.
Citations below-
Its a bit long narration,but read each and every line to know the truth.
Source - BORI Critical Sanskrit Edition,researched from more than thousand manuscripts with 50 years of research.
Karna Parva,Chapter 67
From Sloka 6 -
एवमुक्ते तु राधेये वासुदेवेन पाण्डवम् |
मन्युरभ्याविशत्तीव्रः स्मृत्वा तत्तद्धनञ्जयम् ||६||
तस्य क्रोधेन सर्वेभ्यः स्रोतोभ्यस्तेजसोऽर्चिषः |
प्रादुरासन्महाराज तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् ||७||
“When Vasudeva addressed Radheya in this way, Pandava Dhananjaya remembered all this and was overcome by great rage. Energetic flames of anger seemed to issue out from all the pores on his body and it was extraordinary.”
तं समीक्ष्य ततः कर्णो ब्रह्मास्त्रेण धनञ्जयम् |
अभ्यवर्षत्पुनर्यत्नमकरोद्रथसर्जने ||८||
तदस्त्रमस्त्रेणावार्य प्रजहारास्य पाण्डवः ||८||
“On seeing this, Karna again invoked brahmastra against Dhananjaya. He showered down arrows and tried to extricate his chariot. Pandava countered those weapons with his own weapons.”
ततोऽन्यदस्त्रं कौन्तेयो दयितं जातवेदसः |
मुमोच कर्णमुद्दिश्य तत्प्रजज्वाल वै भृशम् ||९||
वारुणेन ततः कर्णः शमयामास पावकम् |
जीमूतैश्च दिशः सर्वाश्चक्रे तिमिरदुर्दिनाः ||१०||
“Kounteya then released another weapon, beloved of the fire god, towards Karna. It blazed fiercely. Karna pacified the fire through a varuna weapon. He covered all the directions with clouds and it was as dark as a rainy day."
पाण्डवेयस्त्वसम्भ्रान्तो वायव्यास्त्रेण वीर्यवान् |
अपोवाह तदाभ्राणि राधेयस्य प्रपश्यतः ||११||
तं हस्तिकक्ष्याप्रवरं च बाणैः; सुवर्णमुक्तामणिवज्रमृष्टम् |
कालप्रयत्नोत्तमशिल्पियत्नैः; कृतं सुरूपं वितमस्कमुच्चैः ||१२||
ऊर्जस्करं तव सैन्यस्य नित्य; ममित्रवित्रासनमीड्यरूपम् |
विख्यातमादित्यसमस्य लोके; त्विषा समं पावकभानुचन्द्रैः ||१३||
“Pandaveya was not frightened.While Radheya looked on, the valiant one used the vayavya weapon and dispelled all the clouds. His standard had the marks of an elephant’s housing. It was decorated with gold, pearls, jewels and diamonds. It had been crafted by excellent artisans over a long period of time. It was expensive and beautiful in form.It always inspired your soldiers and terrified and frightened the enemy. It was renowned in the world and blazed like the sun and the moon. ”
ततः क्षुरेणाधिरथेः किरीटी; सुवर्णपुङ्खेन शितेन यत्तः |
श्रिया ज्वलन्तं ध्वजमुन्ममाथ; महारथस्याधिरथेर्महात्मा ||१४||
यशश्च धर्मश्च जयश्च मारिष; प्रियाणि सर्वाणि च तेन केतुना |
तदा कुरूणां हृदयानि चापत; न्बभूव हाहेति च निस्वनो महान् ||१५||
“Kiriti used a razor-sharp arrow that was gold-tufted and pointed. With that, he brought down the handsome and blazing standard of the great-souled maharatha, Adhiratha’s son. O venerable one! When that standard was uprooted, fame, dharma, victory and everything that was dear to the hearts of the Kurus also fell down. Great sounds of lamentation arose.”
अथ त्वरन्कर्णवधाय पाण्डवो; महेन्द्रवज्रानलदण्डसंनिभम् |
आदत्त पार्थोऽञ्जलिकं निषङ्गा; त्सहस्ररश्मेरिव रश्मिमुत्तमम् ||१६||
मर्मच्छिदं शोणितमांसदिग्धं; वैश्वानरार्कप्रतिमं महार्हम् |
नराश्वनागासुहरं त्र्यरत्निं; षड्वाजमञ्जोगतिमुग्रवेगम् ||१७||
सहस्रनेत्राशनितुल्यतेजसं; समानक्रव्यादमिवातिदुःसहम् |
पिनाकनारायणचक्रसंनिभं; भयङ्करं प्राणभृतां विनाशनम् ||१८||
“To ensure Karna’s death, Pandava took out an anjalika arrow. It was like the great Indra’s vajra, or like a rod that was made out of fire. It blazed in its rays, like the one with one thousand rays.It was capable of penetrating the inner organs and smearing itself with blood and flesh. It was extremely expensive and was like the fire and the sun. It could destroy men, horses and elephants and was three cubits long, with six tufts.801 It travelled straight and possessed a great force. In its energy, it was like the vajra of the one with one thousand eyes. It was as difficult to withstand as predatory beasts. It was like the pinaka and Narayana’s chakra. It was fearful and destructive of living beings”
युक्त्वा महास्त्रेण परेण मन्त्रवि; द्विकृष्य गाण्डीवमुवाच सस्वनम् |
अयं महास्त्रोऽप्रतिमो धृतः शरः; शरीरभिच्चासुहरश्च दुर्हृदः ||१९||
तपोऽस्ति तप्तं गुरवश्च तोषिता; मया यदिष्टं सुहृदां तथा श्रुतम् |
अनेन सत्येन निहन्त्वयं शरः; सुदंशितः कर्णमरिं ममाजितः ||२०||
इत्यूचिवांस्तं स मुमोच बाणं; धनञ्जयः कर्णवधाय घोरम् |
कृत्यामथर्वाङ्गिरसीमिवोग्रां; दीप्तामसह्यां युधि मृत्युनापि ||२१||
“He invoked mantras and affixed that supreme and great weapon to Gandiva. He loudly said, ‘I am grasping this great weapon, which is in the form of an arrow. It is extremely difficult to withstand and is capable of destroying the body . If I have tormented myself through austerities and have satisfied my seniors, if I have listened to what my well-wishers have told me, through that truth, let this arrow slay my armoured enemy, Karna, and bring me victory.’ Having said this, for the sake of Karna’s death, Dhananjaya released that terrible arrow. It was as fierce as rites performed by Atharvan and Angiras. It blazed and was impossible to be endured in a battle, even by Death itself.”
ब्रुवन्किरीटी तमतिप्रहृष्टो; अयं शरो मे विजयावहोऽस्तु |
जिघांसुरर्केन्दुसमप्रभावः; कर्णं समाप्तिं नयतां यमाय ||२२||
तेनेषुवर्येण किरीटमाली; प्रहृष्टरूपो विजयावहेन |
जिघांसुरर्केन्दुसमप्रभेण; चक्रे विषक्तं रिपुमाततायी ||२३||
तदुद्यतादित्यसमानवर्चसं; शरन्नभोमध्यगभास्करोपमम् |
वराङ्गमुर्व्यामपतच्चमूपते; र्दिवाकरोऽस्तादिव रक्तमण्डलः ||२४||
तदस्य देही सततं सुखोदितं; स्वरूपमत्यर्थमुदारकर्मणः |
परेण कृच्छ्रेण शरीरमत्यज; द्गृहं महर्द्धीव ससङ्गमीश्वरः ||२५||
“Kiriti cheerfully said, ‘Let this arrow bring me victory.’ Wishing to slay Karna, bring about his end and convey him to Yama, he released the arrow, which was as radiant as the sun and the moon. Cheerfully, so that he could be conveyed towards victory, the one with the diadem and the garland shot the arrow. It was as radiant as the sun and the moon. He harboured feelings of enmity and wished to slay his enemy. That weapon, blazing like the sun, was shot. Like the sun, it lit up the earth with its radiance. The head of the commander of the army was severed. Like the sun, with a red disc, it seemed to set.”
#### END OF KARNA ####
So as we all can read,Karna was killed pretty fairly,the only thing unfair was Karna fighting on ground,but he did have his Vijaya bow in hand,he also used Brahmastra and Varunastra but he failed to counter the deadly Anjalika Arrow which dispatched him to Yama's abode.

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